Plant Needs
Exceptionally floriferous and full, the flower panicles on this Butterfly Bush are wide and more than 8" long while in peak bloom. The individual flowers are a bright rose pink, especially compared with "prince Charming'. With their honey-scented blossoms, this plant is a pollinator and hummingbird magnet, along with a great food source for butterflies.
Butterfly Bushes burst into bloom in the late summer heat, at the time when many other plants are already spent. Thanks to their passive coloring and texture, they serve as a wonderful backdrop for perennials.
Common Name: Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc
Plant Needs
Exceptionally floriferous and full, the flower panicles on this Butterfly Bush are wide and more than 8" long while in peak bloom. The individual flowers are a bright rose pink, especially compared with "prince Charming'. With their honey-scented blossoms, this plant is a pollinator and hummingbird magnet, along with a great food source for butterflies.
Butterfly Bushes burst into bloom in the late summer heat, at the time when many other plants are already spent. Thanks to their passive coloring and texture, they serve as a wonderful backdrop for perennials.
Common Name: Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac
Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc