Hello, and welcome to "Gardening with Creekside." Today, we're continuing our projects here at the Proven Winners Signature Garden. If you missed our previous video where we installed stunning perennials in the formal area of the Signature Garden, be sure to check it out.
Our current focus is on the lovely flower bed behind me, right alongside the creek. The Signature Garden at Creekside Nursery extends beyond the formal garden, characterized by its strong, hard lines, to include surrounding beds. This is the first one we're working on today. Construction is ongoing, and our goal is to install and plant this flower bed so that the roots can establish themselves before the summer heat arrives.
This area, being close to the creek, has sandier soil due to years of flooding and the natural processes of the creek. It also receives intense afternoon sun during the summer. Therefore, we're planting heat-loving shrubs like Loropetalums, Gardenias, Indian Hawthorns, Roses of Sharon, and Panicle Hydrangeas that can thrive in the North Carolina climate.
We've prepared the area, created curves in the bed to fit our natural gardening style, and started placing plants, including seven Steady As She Goes Gardenias. We'll ensure all these plants get off to a great start by using Bi-tone starter fertilizer, as strong roots lead to healthy plants.
For planting, we may use equipment like a Bobcat with a big auger for the shrubs and power planters for the perennials. Our gardening adventures always bring surprises.
Many hands have made the work easier, and we've successfully planted the shrubs in this new bed. Now, let's take a closer look at the design and the plants we've chosen.
Starting from the left corner, where the ceremony will take place, we have Jazz Hands Bold Loropetalums, Lavita Moss Indian Hawthorns, Pinky Winky Prime Pinnacle Hydrangeas, Steady As She Goes Gardenias, and Chiffon and Magenta Roses of Sharon. All these plants are carefully selected to thrive in this environment.
Further down, we have Soft Serve Chamaecyparis, a slow-growing evergreen, and Sunjoy Citrus Barberries, known for their bright foliage. These choices add texture and variety to the bed.
We've also left space for future perennials that will arrive in the spring. Sod will be laid in the pathways, and we've also created a new long, skinny bed on the back side of the Signature Garden. Here, we've planted Glitters and Glows Viburnum, a self-pollinating plant with beautiful foliage and flowers.
Despite some unexpected challenges during the day, we're thrilled with the results, and the garden is looking fantastic. We can't wait to see it with the sod in place, which will add that final touch of elegance.
Thank you for joining us in this garden project. Stay tuned for more updates, and we appreciate your support. Have a great day!