BIG New Project, Day 1
Video Transcript
Hello friends welcome to Gardening with Creekside so we got a few things happening here at the nursery today got some of lovely very large equipment because uh yeah we have a new production project that is beginning and the construction has begun so we are going to be installing new greenhouses here at the production and so we're going to kind of give you an overview of what that project is going to look like we're going to show you all the fun equipment because I know big equipment is always a fun for everybody to watch so that's what we're doing today we're going to kind of introduce you to this new project give you a behind the scenes happenings here at the Creekside Nursery so what in the world is happening here at Creekside Nursery like I said we are expanding our production facilities here at the nursery because of course we are a grower retailer here in North Carolina at Zone 7B just outside of Charlotte in Dallas so Creekside is just growing by Leaps and Bounds and in order to keep up with the demand of all of our sweet customers we have to expand our production facilities so what we're going to be doing is installing a greenhouse it's going to actually have three Bays to it they will each Bay will be 30 feet wide and at a minimum they will be 96 a feet long so all together it will be a 90 by 96 foot Greenhouse they will be like gutter connected we're going to do it a little bit of a different style than what we have at retail so they're still going to have their rounded roofs to them I'll try to throw a picture up of one that is very similar to what we will be installing of course we get all of our greenhouses from Atlas greenhouses they take great care of us and so this is what we're going to use now we have talked many many times that here at Creekside Nursery nothing that's flat we do not have flat land here and if you're going to put in a greenhouse you kind of need the area to be flat you got to prepare the land so that is what we are doing now um I know it may sound weird because you're like well you know you got all this equipment back here in the back and the greenhouse is going to be up in the front what in the world are you doing so we have three main pieces of equipment here right now and I probably will butcher the exact name of each equipment because I don't have Jackson with me who will tell me exactly what it is we have lack of a better word it's not an excavator it's an excavator it isn't a very large excavator that is some people call it a Tracker that is working in the back of the property then behind my daddy's burn pile here we have a bulldozer Track Loader see Jenny's not so that's what's going to move the vast majority of the soil the dirt to make the pad and then the truck just arrived with a soil compactor it's a roller so its main job though is to compact the soil because I need this pad to be nice and firm and strong because it's going to be holding a structure so you can see that he is uh very carefully rolling that off of the trailer the flatbed and everything is happening uh really well our great friend Jason cloniger he is the one who owns the company I think he's prepped all of our land for us yeah I mean he cleared the land prepped the land at the retail Garden Center he did it here for the production facilities we have now so we are very grateful for Jason and his company and his fantastic crew that just do an amazing job that allow us to grow as a business so yeah all that's coming off and we're going to work our way up here to the area where the greenhouse is going to go when Jason came out and was talking with Jerry about the initial consultation if you will this is the area on that the greenhouse is going to go so 90 by 96 90 feet wide 96 feet deep and it may be hard to tell on camera but this pad is sloping in all sorts of different directions one we have it sloping towards us then we have it sloping towards the back and so this is the pad that has got to be perfectly level to put the structure on it so when Jason was here talking with Jerry and he did all his measurements and all the things it was going to be what if we could not get the soil off of the property it was going to be a hundred dump truckloads of soil that we would have to bring in to make this level and that's a lot of soil y'all 100 truckloads of soil so the downside to that is we would tear up right right exactly so I was going to say if you've been to Creekside or if you've seen some of the Drone shots that we have done of our property you know that we the road that we live on right is a gravel road everything around here is nice and gravel and a hundred truckloads it would be a hundred n's and 100 outs so that would be 200 trucks passes on that road and it would absolutely destroy the road and all of our infrastructure so Jason said we have enough soil up on our property line that we can take soil from here and build up the pad so that is what we are doing so today what they're doing is they're taking out some of the small spindly trees and they're going to do their absolute best to leave the nice big ones so they're taking out the little scraggly things leaving in the big ones that way they can come back through with the loader and yes and pull all of that soil up here to build this pad now kind of obvious question is well Jenny you have a lot of plants on that production lot what are you going to do with it well we have our sweet folks back there in the back and they are beginning the process of removing all of these plants off of this lot we've had some pretty good severe thunderstorms that have come through so if you notice plants are laying down that happened last night so today of course we'll be getting all of those picked up because they're going to get moved off of the lot and they've got to either go some of them are going to go to retail because they're retail ready so we will show you some of those things that we're going to be adding to retail and then the other ones we're going to try our absolute best to consolidate them and put them on pad number two which we'll here in a couple days will just simply be the production pad because this will no longer exist right here um so all of the perennials so this whole block right here is nothing but perennials so we will take those we've got some gorgeous coreopsis that's ready we've got beautiful boom chocolata that is great come on down here so these we will take down to production we've got baptisia now the baptistia right now not looking so hot but this is a great time to go ahead and get it in the ground so that way when it comes up in the spring in your garden it is well established perfect and nice and big but look at like some of this boom chocolata as they're pulling them out they'll have to come through here and kind of clean them up a little bit um but boom chocolato of course is that beautiful perennial geranium from proven Winters nice nice dark foliage on it with the blooms it will be about two feet tall and this is going to be Hardy in zones uh where is it four to eight so this is a really fun perennial to add to your garden to give that some height some color love that and then of course the uptick coreopsis people ask for um blooming perennials that bloom all summer long look at this this is a premium one gallon so this is a nice big perennial go ahead and add it to your garden right now and it will be a very very happy plant with those beautiful blooms all season long you can deadhead it if you want to you certainly don't have to but we have found that this uptick this is the uptick Golden Bronzeis a great repeat Bloomer continuous Bloomer for us and it is Hardy in zones five to nine that's one reason why it does so well is because of course we're a zone seven so it's right there in the middle and does a really good job for us now if you're looking at this whole section right here we got some picking up to do but all of these plants yeah the storm last night that's why they're laying down we'll come back and pick them up um but this all these plants in this quadrant right here are all plants that we have pulled to use for the signature Garden The Proven winter signature Garden down at the nursery because we have folks ask us a lot of times you know disproven winners that Supply the plants for you with the signature Garden they do not that is where we are blessed as a grower is that we can pull from our own stock and pull plants that we want to incorporate into the gardens so we've got incredible hydrangeas right here we've got sent landia I've got some macrophila hydrangeas I've got the um at last rows I've got Laura pedalums these are they're beautiful um let me find a tagthe tag is going on this one let's seewell we're not doing so good there dear oh there it is yeah Ariba so the Let's Dance arriba I mean the foliage on these are absolutely stunning beautiful color on them Harding zones of four to nine sun to part shade these are repeat Bloomer they're pH dependent so depending on your soil's pH will determine the color so our crew is taking the first set of plants down I got a wagon full of ladies over there so all of these plants will be used in the signature Gardens so roses we've got candy corn double plate candy corn spirea we've got double played doozy we've got Pearl Glam all sorts of great things that are going on down to the nursery yeah Jerry wants to do something right quick hang onokay friends we had to take a little uh break there for a minute because you know life is happening and there's a lot of moving Parts happening right now and of course this is when we chose to make a video because why not add something else into the mix uh so what we showed you was we went to go turn the tractor on to use it and of course the battery had died even though we had just moved the tractor like 10 minutes ago battery was dead so Jerry and Jackson got it jumped off all is well went ahead and started getting the perennials out of here the coreopsis because they look so amazing and so fantastic they will go down to retail all the other perennials will get absorbed into the perennial section now on what we'll just call the shrub block because this is going away they speak folks back over here everybody went back over all hands on deck to start taking those shrubs off the lot they're putting them in the back of the trailer and the truck then they go down to retail to be absorbed down there Mr Mann on the excavator tracko is doing really well Jerry was saying basically I don't know if you can see where the power pole is back there but the power pole the property line goes just a little bit beyond that so that's kind of where he is working he's been able to leave all those nice big huge trees which is always a great thing and taking out the little spindly Pines Maples oats the very young trees big trees are staying because we've talked about this before we're not one's just a willy-nilly take down the trees my daddy is back here supervising and making sure that all goes well because he is the one that definitely knows the property line and plus he just loves all these kinds of things this is this is fun for him okay shrub law what are they taking down to the nursery they are taking loads of hydrangeas um let's see they've already you know walked down there let's just walk down there they've already they are taking I don't know what their order is but uh we're restocking on the firelight tidbits because you sweet people are soaking up and grabbing up those fire like tidbits just as fast as possible so um yes and then um so the tidbits are going down and then the butterfly bushes like look at this oh my gosh look at that beautiful swallowtail so these are Miss violets yes so these are the budlia butterfly bush myth Violet and Miss Violet that whole Miss series will get to be about like four feet ish tall three feet wide so they're kind of columnar in that aspect and so we have the Miss Violet Miss Ruby we have Miss Pearl I think is right here at yep so miss Pearl is a is a perfect Pure White so those are going to go down and then we can move on over here we've got pugsters um oh my gosh butterflies everywhere so we've got this is the pugster Pinker look at that beautiful puckster Pinker is what we have in the berm planted in mass now is a great time for you to add butterfly bushes to your garden remember just yesterday I added a violet Cascade of it there at the chicken coop because it is hot butterfly bushes love it hot this is when they're actively growing their roots are growing and they they love the hot temperatures so they will do really well get them in the ground now so you have the poster Pinker pugster blue which is a nice rich they call it blue I call it purple pucksters of course will get to be here in North Carolina really a three by three nice beautiful I call them semi-evergreens because even in the winter for us we have found that they will keep some of their foliage they will not completely defoliate here your Miss series will completely defoliate punctures tend to hold on to some foliage so you don't just have sticks in the wintertime which is really nice so basically right now we have the pinkers and the blues because all the other stuff is like amethyst would be growing on the other lot um so that's what's happening here oh let's go up here and look at this Vanilla Spice so Vanilla Spice was also that other native shrub that we added to the chicken coop area yester yesterday's video um so this is a plethora or a summer sweet and these are beautiful plants that show you one here so Vanilla Spice you get beautiful nice green foliage starting in like the spring all through your summer they are deciduous so in the wintertime they will defoliate then you get you can see these are all the old Bloom heads pure white flowers obviously very upright is why it's called vanilla because they're white flowers spice smells Divine massive pollinator tractor so if you're looking for native plants that you can add to your garden that will attract the pollinators then this is most definitely it it has a medium deer resistance to it but one of my favorite things about Vanilla Spice is that the fall color is brilliant yellow as I say it is Big Bird yellow gorgeous flaming red foliage on it and this will be three to six feet tall and it will be three to five feet wide it's really hard to focus on talking about plants when there's so much action going on behind me I'm trying to stay focused with you sweet people but it is a native plant and it will do really really well in moist soils it is native it likes moist soils it will naturalize I'm not sure how aggressive it will naturalize what does naturalized mean it means that it will send out little babies little Runners and you'll have new plants pop up so just be aware of that when you plant it give it plenty of room to grow and the more moist the soil the happier it's going to be and probably the more it's going to naturalize so we'll have those going down there and then of course oh my gosh I know we talked about this the other week but look at these Perfecto Mundos these are the double pink azaleas Perfecto Mundos were um developed NC State by Dr Tom Rainey and um look at that now here we are August and these are blooming yes you've got some old heads on there but that's what they do right so it's a perfective Mundos tend to be nice and petite two to three foot size and make great for your foundation front of your border middle of your border just depends on you know how you have your flower beds laid out but the Perfecto Mundo double pinks are really really popular and go very fast now down here we have gardenias and it looks like they've already pulled some of the gardenias I believe these are the Steady As She Goes yeah so we have two gardenias from proven winners we have Steady As She Goes which is this one um and so Steady As She Goes is a little bit of a bigger gardenia in the fact that it will be um three to five tall four to seven wide so you want to give them plenty of room to grow beautiful Evergreen double flower on it Hardy and zones seven to ten so they've taken some of those down these need a little bit more time to grow because you can see that they're still kind of petite so what we'll do is we'll take these and incorporate them down there into the production pad down there and have those ready and then pillow talk was gorgeous when we were down there last week we're going down there let's go down there so before we go you know me so if you were with us last week oh I'm a sucker for a gardenia so if you were with us last week when we were up here with the pillow talk I took that gardenia and I stuck it in in my in my hair and so I wore it for the rest of the day and my hair was down all day yo I could smell that gardenia in my hair for like two days afterwards don't ask me how often I wash my hair but it smells so good but look look how look how vigorous these plants are so this is the pillow talk you get still look at that beautiful flower if you are a gardenia lover like I am this is absolute perfection and so Pillow Talk is much more manageable in size so see that's what Andrew they're starting y'all come on in don't let me bother you um so they're grabbing those to take those down to retail oh I forgot where my tag goes hang on um right have a select number because this is our only crop right and so Pillow Talk is brand new on the market this year so if you want Pillow Talk you need to get your honey out here because they're going to go they will get two and a half to three and a half feet tall three to four wide so much more manageable in size and I'm trying to remember where I took this tag from right here um you don't want to take the Tag away but these are beautiful beautiful gardenias super excited about these I can't believe how much they have grown I mean a gorgeous vigorous plant with loads of beautiful blooms and then also we're going to take down some of the honeysuckle even though these plants are on the pad that's not going to be affected we can clear some of these out take them to retail and then what's on that lot will come to here so when we wear t-shirts that say we're professional plant movers we really are because you're constantly moving plants sensation honeysuckle from Proven Winners we we do not trellise them because it is just such a job we are going to okay so we're going to but they are um yeah so let's talk about the plant here very distracting a lot of fun action going on around here Carl okay Hardy and zones four to nine it will get 10 feet tall two to four wide and it is a vigorous grower let me tell you I have two of these on the fence at the berm oh my word grow their little heads off sweetly scented yellow flower sensation and they are a continuous Bloomer once the bloom is done they do beautiful red berries gorgeous beautiful on that you can put it on a trellis you can put it on a fence you can put on an obelisk you can put on a Pergola whatever you want to now for me I have found that mine was um Evergreen so we planted them last fall on in the berm and they kept their flat but their foliage all winter long even in the Arctic blast they continue to keep their foliage so let you deal with that because somebody said that theirs was deciduous I don't know let me show you this Bloom over here oh now this is not an invasive plant if you're familiar if you have honeysuckle growing wild in your Woods like we do it can be quite invasive and pesky this will not do this so this will not spread it will not smother plants very happy very well-behaved plant sensation is a gorgeous one puffer fish is look beautiful just really starting to Bud out you've got that one nice one right there um yeah we were talking with another Nursery yesterday that Drew a lot of these yeah and they said it was their number one panicle as far as growth and the way it was growing in the gardenyeah I mean it is a really nice tight and and that's the thing too is like I know these are not ginormous right now but I mean we had you saw all those plants that got knocked down um and these are standing up straight I think so I think they're going to stay up nice and tight because I mean look at this so this is the one that probably has the most developed heads right now and I mean those are strong sturdy stems and this stem this is a new plant like we just potted these up this year and so they're really strong so you're not going to have the technical floppage that maybe you do on other paniclesyescorrect form better for the home Gardener yeah you were to grab 10 of these today it's going to do better in your landscape than you would have got one yes yes and so because and that's what um because I planted you know three of these at the chicken coop and they were close to I think they were pretty weren't they pretty root bound because they were huge plants and they were root bound I chopped them up really good one is massively on the struggle bust I'm not gonna lose it but it doesn't look good so she looks rough the other two are doing just fine I did go ahead and take the tops off of them took all the blooms but they're doing great but the one Struggle Bus so like Jerry's saying you get these that are not root bound you just literally take it out and put it in the hole man they're going to do awesome they're going to do great and then of course the hibiscuses as always are just gorgeous so um I can't focus any more on plants right now because there's too many other fun things happening so we're gonna um we're gonna try to keep you updated maybe we'll we'll keep some footage going about what's happening as far as the sun action around here uh maybe I don't know what we'll do just stay tuned we'll give you some more footage yeah just be footage at the end so we'll just do some b-roll maybe throughout the periodically throughout the day what happens how it looks at the end of the day that kind of thing really have no idea where the day is going to go so stay tuned we'll all find out together as always thanks so much for going with Creekside thanks for coming on this wild ride with us we so appreciate y'all you have a great day we'll see in the next video bye friends
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