Proven Winners is constantly working to refine and improve their offerings for the North American garden and to the nursery industry in using the best in new plant and production materials.
Plant Needs
Members of the Paint the Town Series are beloved for their vibrant colors and improved heat tolerance, which translates to greater performance nearly nationwide, even in the warmer states. Flowers emerge early summer and a quick shearing after flowering will encourage a rebloom in early fall. A great size for edging the front of a sunny border or use in combination containers.
One of the earliest Dianthus to bloom, ‘Paint the Town Fuchsia’ produces ¾-1” wide, single fuchsia flowers with lavender centers and serrated petals. Flowers completely cover the plant when it’s in peak. Its glaucous blue foliage distinguishes it from other Dianthus of its type.
Dianthus cultivars are in the carnation family and deliver stunning single, semi-double, and fully double flowers. Singles will provide more flowers, tend to grow quicker and at maturity, can appear like a carpet in the landscape, while doubles are significantly larger.
Common Name: Pinks
Photos courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc
Plant Needs
Members of the Paint the Town Series are beloved for their vibrant colors and improved heat tolerance, which translates to greater performance nearly nationwide, even in the warmer states. Flowers emerge early summer and a quick shearing after flowering will encourage a rebloom in early fall. A great size for edging the front of a sunny border or use in combination containers.
One of the earliest Dianthus to bloom, ‘Paint the Town Fuchsia’ produces ¾-1” wide, single fuchsia flowers with lavender centers and serrated petals. Flowers completely cover the plant when it’s in peak. Its glaucous blue foliage distinguishes it from other Dianthus of its type.
Dianthus cultivars are in the carnation family and deliver stunning single, semi-double, and fully double flowers. Singles will provide more flowers, tend to grow quicker and at maturity, can appear like a carpet in the landscape, while doubles are significantly larger.
Common Name: Pinks
Photos courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc